AlphaServer SC40 Specifications

Family / Variant ? / ? ? / ?
Introduced November, 1999 ?
Base Price ? ?
Enclosure[1] Cabinet Cabinet
CPU Features
CPU / Clock Speed 21264A (EV67) / 667 MHz 21264B (EV68AL) / 833 MHz
Number of CPUs 1 to 512 (1 to 128 BBBs) 1 to 512 (1 to 128 BBBs)
Cache Size on Chip 64K I-cache
64K D-cache
64K I-cache
64K D-cache
Secondary Cache - -
B-cache 8 MB / CPU 8 MB / CPU
In-cabinet Upgrades BBB, CPU, memory, I/O BBB, CPU, memory, I/O
tpmC @ $/tpmC ? ?
SPECint95 ? ?
SPECfp95 ? ?
Linpack ? 0.6909 TFlops[2]
Theoretical peak ? 0.8530 TFlops[2]
Memory / Storage
Memory 1 GB to 3 TB (24 GB / BBB)
Internal Disk Bays 4 or 6 (8 or 12 optional) (per BBB)
Internal Disk Storage 36.4 GB to 873.6 GB (per BBB)
Total Disk Storage ?
Removable Media Bays 4 (per BBB)
Removable Media 1.44 MB floppy disk, 600 MB CD-ROM
Standard I/O
3 serial ports, 1 bi-directional enhanced parallel port, PS/2 keyboard and mouse, dual 10/100 Mb Ethernet[3], Ultra SCSI[3], Elan interconnect adapter[3], 2 USB ports
I/O Slots 10 (per BBB):
  • 10 PCI64
Max. I/O Throughput PCI: 532 MB/s (per BBB)
Audio & Video
2D/3D graphics
10/100 Mb Ethernet, Gigabit Ethernet, ATM
Ultra2 Wide SCSI, Fibre Channel, HiPPI
Availability Features
Auto reboot, thermal management, remote system management, RAID, disk hot-swap, memory failover, ECC memory, ECC cache, CPU failover, error logging, redundant power system (hot-swap)
Operating Systems / Clustering
OS Support Tru64 UNIX
TruCluster ?
OpenVMS Cluster No
Hardware Partitioning No
Acoustics (LWAd / LpAm)
Idle ?
Operating ?
Operating 3,048 m (10,000 ft)
Non-operating 12,192 m (40,000 ft)
Shock (operating) ?
Vibration (operating) 10-500 Hz, 0.1 G max
Temperature 10-35 °C (50-95 °F)
Relative Humidity 20-80% (non-condensing)
Power Requirements[4]
Nominal Voltage 100-120 V / 220-240 V
Frequency Range 50-60 Hz
Max. Nominal Current 11.0-8.5 A / 5.0 A
Power Source Single phase
Power Supply 3x 720/735/750? W (n+1)
Power Usage[5] ?
Physical Characteristics
16 Node 128 Node
Height 200.0 cm (79.0 in) 200.0 cm (79.0 in)
Width 300.0 cm (118.1 in)[6] 2,100.0 cm (826.8 in)[7]
Depth 90.0 cm (35.4 in) 90.0 cm (35.4 in)
Weight[8] 2,132 kg (4,700 lb) 15,320 kg (33,774 lb)
3 year on-site, next-business-day response time
[1] SC system consists of:
  • one or more ES40 systems, referred to as Base Building Blocks (BBBs);
  • 1 to 32 Compute Building Blocks (CBBs), a CBB holds 1 to 4 BBBs;
  • Interconnect Building Block (IBB);
  • Management Building Block (MBB) integrated in IBB;
  • one or more Storage Building Block (SBB);
[2] 512 CPUs.
[3] Occupies one PCI slot.
[4] One BBB.
[5] "Packaged System" configuration (see SOC); halt in firmware.
[6] 5 cabinets (4 CBBs, 1 IBB).
[7] 35 cabinets (32 CBBs, 2 IBBs (joined), 1 SBB expansion).
[8] Fully configured.